Sunday, July 26, 2015

Top Natural Appetite Suppressants

I just returned from a three-day conference where I ate, ate and ate full breakfasts, big lunches with desserts and huge dinners with desserts.  And of course there were tables and tables full of snacks between meals for our sweet, salty and savoury pleasure. Yes, there were healthy options available, but when in Rome ...

While I'm okay and happy to get back on track, today I'm HUNGRY! Nothing seems to satisfy my hungry. So I'm on the hunt for natural appetite suppressants to keep from returning to the binge fest that my mind, body and stomach has gotten used to in the last three days. I have seen pills at the pharmacy, but I prefer not to go on the path. Of course, you can tough it out as time can be a suppressant, but ho wants to be miserable. I know that will only make to run even faster to the sweet table.

Here are the top natural appetite suppressants from complied from WatchFit and PopSugar:

1. Water - you have heard this before. Drink more water to curb your appetite. Consider adding lemon to your water since lemon is also considered an appetite suppressant.

2. Tea and coffee - just be careful if you add sugar to your tea or coffee. Try mint tea as it's supposed to be an effective appetite suppressant.

3. Green leafy vegetables - have a big salad, but be sure to watch the type of amount of salad dressing you use. Try apple cider vinegar instead. Apparently some people drink apple cider vinegar to stop their cravings.

4. High fiber fruits and vegetables (e.g., apples, strawberries, nuts, oats, edamame, flaxseeds, chia seeds, legumes, etc.). I love having avocado on a slice of high fiber bread.

5. Eggs - don't forget that hard boiled eggs can be portable and eaten during the day.

6. Yogurt - natural, plain or Greek. This is also perfect to snack on at your desk.

7. Broth - I microwave a mug of chicken or vegetable broth and sip on that during the day. A cup of chicken broth is only 10 calories. I find that it's nice to have something hot and a welcome change from water.

8. Salmon - one of favourite type of fish.

The list can also be used when you're just starting your lifestyle change and survive the first few days.

Don't let a few days of binge eating throw you off your journey to being healthy and fit.

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Only Strength Exercises You Need

I must admit that I'm at a point in my life that I want to have the biggest impact with minimal effort. I know, I know ... it doesn't sound great to even think this way, furthermore admit it and write it. However, for me this is especially true when it comes to exercise.

Remember we should walk for an hour each day for weight loss. Also, you should consider adding weight or strength training to your week. I found three plans that are perfect for people like me - getting the biggest impact with minimal effort.

The first plan from Angelo Poli, a Neuromuscular re-education and nutritional specialist, consists of 5 moves: plank, pull, squat, push and lunge. You can plank, squat, push and lunge in the gym, at home or while travelling. The only move that requires some equipment (like a barbell) is the pull. I hate planks, probably because it's so difficult. If you can't hold a plank for 30 seconds, don't worry, start at your level. Don't give up.

The second plan from Prevention Magazine includes these 4 moves: chair dip, push up, squat and plank. The only equipment you need is a chair. I'm sure you have one at home! I like this plan because there are options to make each exercise easier or more challenging. You can start at 1 set of 8 reps and build up to 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 15 reps. In addition to the plank, the chair dip might to hard for some of us, but there is an easier version by placing your feet closer together. The magazine suggests that at the beginning you an hold the plank for as long as you can and work up to 1 minute.

And for those of us for whom less is more, this third plan from Spark People has only 3 moves: squat, row and bicycle crunch. You'll need a dumbbell for the row exercise. Yeah! No plank and push ups! The recommendation is 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 15 reps. The point here is to help you feel stronger, improve your posture and stand taller. Perhaps look leaner.

Click on the links for details of each plan as well as descriptions of the exercises.

My upper body is weak and I hate push ups. But I found a program that will gently ease you into doing push ups. This program from Lifting Revolution takes you from wall push ups to doing 20 regular push ups.

Remember we are all unique and are starting from different fitness levels. So choose the program that is best for you (at this point) and listen to your body and modify as you see fit. So often we start a fitness program and quit after a few days because we feel that if we can't do it as described then we can't do it and then stop.

Also remember that you can't spot reduce so none of these exercises will have you beach ready without cardio and a healthy diet.

You don't have to spend hours in the gym in the weight room or invest in expensive equipment. Just do it! Start today!

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