Monday, February 23, 2015

Journaling Your Way to Weight Loss Success

If I were to tell you that you can lose twice as much weight by simply writing down what you eat, would you do it? It's true research has shown that dieters who kept a food diary or journal were more successful than those who don't. I know from my previous attempts of journeying I was more cognizant of what I ate. I also make better choices because quite frankly I didn't want to write down that I ate 4 pieces of fried chicken.

Here's the research on keeping a food diary.

So lets start keeping a food journal! There are many options available to you. You can use anything from the good, old fashioned notebook to a spreadsheet on your computer to an app on your phone (myfitnesspal has a very popular app). You can also log your workouts, your water intake, hours of sleep, weight loss and inches loss.

Image courtesy of tiramisustudio at

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