Sunday, July 26, 2015

Top Natural Appetite Suppressants

I just returned from a three-day conference where I ate, ate and ate full breakfasts, big lunches with desserts and huge dinners with desserts.  And of course there were tables and tables full of snacks between meals for our sweet, salty and savoury pleasure. Yes, there were healthy options available, but when in Rome ...

While I'm okay and happy to get back on track, today I'm HUNGRY! Nothing seems to satisfy my hungry. So I'm on the hunt for natural appetite suppressants to keep from returning to the binge fest that my mind, body and stomach has gotten used to in the last three days. I have seen pills at the pharmacy, but I prefer not to go on the path. Of course, you can tough it out as time can be a suppressant, but ho wants to be miserable. I know that will only make to run even faster to the sweet table.

Here are the top natural appetite suppressants from complied from WatchFit and PopSugar:

1. Water - you have heard this before. Drink more water to curb your appetite. Consider adding lemon to your water since lemon is also considered an appetite suppressant.

2. Tea and coffee - just be careful if you add sugar to your tea or coffee. Try mint tea as it's supposed to be an effective appetite suppressant.

3. Green leafy vegetables - have a big salad, but be sure to watch the type of amount of salad dressing you use. Try apple cider vinegar instead. Apparently some people drink apple cider vinegar to stop their cravings.

4. High fiber fruits and vegetables (e.g., apples, strawberries, nuts, oats, edamame, flaxseeds, chia seeds, legumes, etc.). I love having avocado on a slice of high fiber bread.

5. Eggs - don't forget that hard boiled eggs can be portable and eaten during the day.

6. Yogurt - natural, plain or Greek. This is also perfect to snack on at your desk.

7. Broth - I microwave a mug of chicken or vegetable broth and sip on that during the day. A cup of chicken broth is only 10 calories. I find that it's nice to have something hot and a welcome change from water.

8. Salmon - one of favourite type of fish.

The list can also be used when you're just starting your lifestyle change and survive the first few days.

Don't let a few days of binge eating throw you off your journey to being healthy and fit.

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