Monday, May 18, 2015

3 Meals vs. 5 Small Meals Per Day

My generation grew up on three square meals per day. We were also admonish for snacking before a meal and spoiling our appetites.

For the last several years, many diet experts advised us to eat 5 or 6 mini meals per day. This was always difficult for me. It was hard enough to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch due to my work commitments and environment, now I was required to 'brown bag' even more healthy foods. I also found that eating small meals was not satisfying to me and I counted down the hours and minutes to my next mini meal.

As reported in this article by Medical News Today, research has shown that it doesn't matter if you have 3 meals or 5 small meals. Your body only knows your total caloric intake. For example if you ate 2000 calories in 3 or 5 meals it's all the same.

Another diet myth busted. Trust your body if you feel better eating 5 meals continue, but don't do it because it's the best route to take for weight loss.

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