Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Best Weight Loss Advice From The Top Diets

By now, you, like me is a weight loss expert. We have learned that there are parts of each diet that makes sense, works for us and we can do and live with forever. On the other hand there is some advice that is difficult to follow both short-term and long-term or simply won't work for us. My current approach is find advice that I makes sense for me and my life - an individualized, customized approach, if you will.

I recently read an article on that summarized and best and worst advice from the top diets. Here's my list of the best tips:

Dr. Phil - Best Tip: Reduce your exposure to unhealthy foods and to cues that cause you to eat.
This works because: You can't eat what isn't there!

You: On a Diet - Best tip: Pick a range for your ideal weight instead of fixating on a particular number.
This works because: You'll feel guilt-free when faced with the small fluctuations that occur naturally day-to-day.

Skinny Bitch - Best tip: Read the ingredients.
This works because: You won't eat anything you can't pronounce.

French Women Don't Get Fat - Best tip: Add "petit" and "peu" to your French vocabulary.
This works because: You can have a little of everything if you stick to small portions.

The Beck Diet Solution - Best tip: Differentiate between cravings and hunger.
This works because: If you can tell the difference between wanting to eat and needing to eat, you can cut out unnecessary calories.

The Thrive Diet - Best tip: Eat less processed food.
This works because: Sticking to whole, fiber-rich foods will help you lose weight.

Remember only do what works for you.

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