Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sugar: The Root Of All Evil

More and more research is concluding that sugar is worse for you than fat. Recently the World Health Organization recommended that we limit our daily intake of sugar to no more than 13 teaspoons. This does not include sugar in natural foods like fruit and vegetables. At first glance, I'm sure you think you are well within that limit. However, you must remember to include the sugar in your drinks and foods. For example, a can of pop contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar.

In order to stay within the 13 teaspoons, you must become an expert at reading foods labels, because there is sugar in foods that you least expect like your cereals, condiments, sauces, etc. Also, sugar frequently has other names on food labels; as many as 200. Take a look at this list prepared by Pop Sugar.

The best advice I heard is from Dr. Oz who advises not to eat anything that has sugar (or any of it's other names) listed as the top three or four ingredient.

If you aim to cook most of your foods yourself, you'll see exactly what the ingredients are in the recipe. I love teriyaki and a few days ago I saw a recipe for salmon teriyaki and I was surprised to see that it included 1/2 cup of sugar for 4 servings of salmon!.

Your journey to healthy and fit must include less processed foods and home-cooked meals to reduce your sugar intake.

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