Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Is Your Metabolism To Blame For Slower Weight Loss?

Those of us who struggle with our weight, have long known that there is more to our weight loss than simply restricting calories and exercising. We have observed how easy it is for us to gain weight and how much harder it is for us to lose it. We have painfully lived through diets that worked for some but not as well for us. Why is that?

A new study may provide the answer. Researchers looked at a small group of obese men and women in an in-patient program. The participants fasted for one day and were then put on a 50% caloric restriction diet. What they found is that those who lost the least amount of weight were the ones whose metabolism decreased the most during the day of fasting. The researchers concluded that this group has a 'thrifty' metabolism.

Is your 'thrifty' metabolism to blame for your slower weight loss? Perhaps. However,  according to the lead researcher, “The results corroborate the idea that some people who are obese may have to work harder to lose weight due to metabolic differences. But biology is not destiny. Balanced diet and regular physical activity over a long period can be very effective for weight loss.”

So no need to give up. Your journey to being healthy and fit may be slower and longer, but you'll get there. Don't give up!

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