Tuesday, April 7, 2015

21 Day Challenge to Start Or Reset Your Diet

A few of us probably over indulged this Easter and Passover weekend. Don't beat up on yourself. Instead learn from your lapses. Maybe next time you'll host the family dinner and therefore prepare healthier options. Or you can take a few healthy dishes to the dinner. A third option is eat before you go and stick to salads, lean protein and vegetables. I know it's easier said than done. The important thing is to get right back on track.

For some this weekend might have been your "rock bottom" moment. Once again, overeating has gotten the better of you.

Either way, it's time to hit the reset button.

There are a number of 30 day challenges out there. one of the best that I have seen to either start your diet or get back on track is the following 21 Day No Junk Food Challenge.

21 days is important because most experts agree that that is the minimum number of days to break a habit. Eat healthy and the rest will take care of itself. Good luck!

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