Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Realistic Ideal Weight

For years I rejected the insurance/actuarial ideal weight charts. Even when I was an active participant in a commercial diet program, I quietly didn't agree with their recommended ideal weight for you. In both cases it always seem too low for me to achieve and worse maintain.

The guideline I like to use is the more realistic one from Dr. Oz. Here it is:

  • The average American woman stands approximately 5’4” tall. At this height, you should weight less than 175 pounds, the cut off point for obesity.
  • The average American man is about 5’9” tall and should weigh less than 196, his cut off for obesity.
  • Taller folks can add 5 pounds per inch; if you’re shorter, subtract 5 pounds per inch.

  • Want to see what you will look like at your ideal weight? Try this site - modelmydiet,com.

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