Tuesday, April 28, 2015

You and Your Family on a Diet

One of the challenges some of us face is that as our attempt to eat healthier meals will also impact our immediate families. In the past this was one of my many excuses as to why losing weight was difficult for me. It took sometime to finally conclude, if certain foods aren't good for me, they are not good for my family.

In my family we don't tend to have breakfast and lunch at home on the weekdays. When I started this journey I took responsibility to cooking dinner and obviously making healthier choices. And I must say that my family's reaction was more positive than I expected. There are probably healthy versions of every recipe you can imagine and that includes your family's favourites.

Simple changes like using whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta or brown rice instead of white rice will go a long way in helping your family eat better. Or having more chicken and fish while avoiding red meat or high fat protein may not be too difficult for your family. Furthermore, given the recent data on sugary drinks, why should they be in your home?

If you focus on gaining health, rather than you losing weigh, and eating foods that taste good it will be a lot easier than you think. This is a great opportunity to be an excellent role model for your family.

Google will be your best friend as you look for healthier breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. You can also check out our Pinterest Eat board for food suggestions.

This article by WebMD gives some good advice on how to get your family's support and what to do if they don't.

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