Sunday, April 26, 2015

What's the Best Time of Day to Exercise?

I have exercised at every possible time of the day - first thing in the morning, just before going to bed, at lunch time and right after work. I also had periods of time when each day or week was a combination of different times. In my opinion, the best time of day to exercise is the time that you have the least excuses and will stick with your routine. When that time no longer works for you due to the work, family or other commitments, then look at your schedule and pick the next best time.

If your schedule is flexible, research has shown that first thing in the morning is the best time to exercise for weight loss. In the morning your body is low on carbohydrates and sugar that it needs for fuel. Consequently your body now has to burn fat for fuel.

There are other benefits to morning exercise such as better sleep. A good night's sleep is very important in controlling your appetite and weight loss. You will also burn more calories throughout the day. You can get more information from the article by Livestrong.

So rise, shine and exercise!

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