Sunday, February 15, 2015

Best Scale for Weight Loss

Many of us avoid the scale because the numbers are not what we would like to see. However, you can't change what you don't acknowledge. The best scale for weight loss is any scale. If you own one use it. Step on the scale and see where you are right now.

If you don't have a scale it's important to get one. (But, don't think you can't start your journey now since you don't have a scale.) I highly recommend a digital scale which displays the decimals. Those decimals will be important when your weight isn't moving as quickly as you like.

There are lots of brands and variety for you to choose. Take a look at this article from Women's Health with top new scales for 2015. One final note, depending on your current weight, you'll need to pay attention to the upper weight limit of the scale.

Image courtesy of anankkml at

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