Tuesday, February 24, 2015

No, You Can't Spot Reduce

It has long been debunked that you cannot spot reduce. You can't do 100 ab crunches and end up with a six pack or target your legs or buttocks. As you may have noticed from your previous weight loss, essentially your entire body changes as you lose weight and fat. It has a mind of its own, but you generally you are a smaller version of yourself.

One of the best studies on spot training or reducing was done at the University of Massachusetts in the 1980s. During the 27-day study, 13 male subjects were required to perform 5,000 sit-ups. Fat biopsies were taken from the subjects’ abdomens, buttocks and upper backs before and after the 28 day period. Although the men only focused on their abs, at the end of the study their fat decreased similarly at all three test spots. Who would have thought?

It's tempting but forget all those best exercises for [insert body part] and just do it the only and best way - diet and exercise.

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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